Short Film: Opening the Compass [Brújula] – 10th anniversary of Brújula Intersexual

[En español]


«Opening the Compass [Brújula]» is a short film created to commemorate the 10th anniversary of Brújula Intersexual, a pioneering organization that works for the conformation and support of the intersex community in Mexico and other Spanish-speaking countries. Through testimonies, this documentary film reflects the transformative impact produced by the encounter of people born with bodies that present intersex variations, as well as on their families. This film reveals what it is like to live when the body questions sex difference.


On October 27, 2023, we celebrated the 10th anniversary of Brújula Intersexual at the Human Rights Commission of Mexico City (CDHCM), where over 60 people joined us. During the event, we showcased a commemorative short film titled «Opening the Compass [Brújula]» featuring 28 intersex individuals and family members from various Spanish-speaking countries, as well as other allies from the community. This is the final version of that short film.

In the video you can activate English subtitles.

Illustration and portraits: Laura Inter. 2023

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